Lenge siden sist, men vi er her! Trenger du 17.mai klær eller dekorasjon til 17.mai bordet så er vi der for å hjelpe deg!! MASSE nyheter fra Line of Oslo, Riviera Maison, Lene Bjerre, Blink jeans, Please og ChillN i butikk nå! Her er noen bilder av nyhetene!!
Neste uke reiser jeg og en av mine ansatte til Lene Bjerre, Nibe/Danmark! Uken etter til Amsterdam og Riviera Maison!
Dette er to av mine favoritter, skal prøve å få til ett innlegg på begge turene :)
Ha en fin 17.mai og pinse!!
Klem fra meg!
3 kommentarer:
Du har virkelig mye flott:) Likte så godt den blå genser:) Ønsker deg en herlig 17 MAI:) Klem Merete
For example, when user is writing a text to someone, but suddenly they decide that they wish to talk instead. 0 Ice Cream Sandwich is about to be released in Korea and Japan. Speedy shutter response times and also rush shot modes even help produce pro-quality pictures.
Our online software guides you through setup, and our live customer support team is available if you need help. If you are a brand conscious person and wants to buy that laptop that reflects status and class, then going for apple brand is the best option. ll need to go to a short URL on the Mac to download the desktop part of the installer, which means the Mac and i - Pad must be on a single Wi-Fi network.
3 kommentarer:
Du har virkelig mye flott:)
Likte så godt den blå genser:)
Ønsker deg en herlig 17 MAI:)
Klem Merete
For example, when user is writing a text to someone, but suddenly they decide that
they wish to talk instead. 0 Ice Cream Sandwich is about to be released in Korea and Japan.
Speedy shutter response times and also rush shot modes
even help produce pro-quality pictures.
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Our online software guides you through setup, and our live customer support team is available
if you need help. If you are a brand conscious person and wants to buy
that laptop that reflects status and class, then going
for apple brand is the best option. ll need to go to a short
URL on the Mac to download the desktop part of the installer, which means the Mac and i - Pad
must be on a single Wi-Fi network.
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